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Davis Journal

Letters to Santa from yesteryear

Dec 14, 2023 09:53AM ● By Braden Nelsen

DAVIS COUNTY—It’s a time-honored tradition around the holidays, kids writing letters to Santa Claus, but more than just a fun pastime, taking a look at these letters published in newspapers from yesteryear offers an interesting insight into what was on the minds of Davis County kiddos across the years.


Dear Santa Claus,

I believe I have been a good girl and, if possible, bring me the following things. Toni doll, doll carriage, blackboard, jewelry, moccasins, doll clothes, 2 chairs, sled, games. 

I love you very much.

— Connie, Bountiful

Dear Santa Claus,

Please do not forget me on Christmas. I have tried to be good.


— Christine

Dear Santa,

I would like some cowboy boots (size 12), a rick-o-shay gun, and a fire truck.

Daphne is 2 ½ and she would like a doll, crib, and a high chair.

We’ve been pretty good.


— Kent, Bountiful


Dear Santa Claus,

I would like a chemistry set for Xmas, and my little brother Bruce would like a workbench. Mummy says to tell you we have both been good boys. Thank you very much.

— Ian

Dear Santa,

I want some tap shoes and a Patsy play pal.

Will you bring what you can.

And I’d like most is a Patsy play pal.

— Diana


Dear Santa,

Please bring me a Marching Mickey for Christmas. I like candy canes too. Bring some nice toys for Marcelle and Jason. I want a slinky too.

I’ve been a good girl. I will help keep our house clean, and help pick up the toys. I’ll be a big sister to Jason. I’ll play with Marcelle and be nice to her.

Bring Mommy some nice things and some lipstick.

Bring Daddy some shampoo.

Please help everyone to have a nice Christmas.

I love you, Santa.

— Jodie


Dear Santa Claus,

I want a teddy bear, mirror, a new coat, some clothes, and a GI Joe base.


— Alex

Dear Santa Claus,

I want a Talking Alf. I want to thank you for the Talking Alf.


— Chris

Dear Santa Claus,

I love you. I don’t know. And now my presents, Fairytail, pogo ball, and a phone.


— Crystal