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Davis Journal

Woods Cross hosts annual Memorial Day celebration

May 02, 2024 08:15AM ● By Kerry Angelbuer
Youth serve up the traditional breakfast at the Memorial Day Celebration at Hogan Park in Woods Cross. Courtesy photo

Youth serve up the traditional breakfast at the Memorial Day Celebration at Hogan Park in Woods Cross. Courtesy photo

All those fun summer activities in the park begin on Memorial Day in Wood Cross. “Woods Cross City Memorial Celebration has a rich history within the community,” said LaCee Bartholomew, Community Services Coordinator. “It began as a pancake breakfast and has grown into an entire community celebration with a community 5K, patriotic program and pancake breakfast.” 

Bright and early on Monday, May 27, the five-kilometer (5K) run starts at 7 a.m. at Hogan Park,750 W. 1500 South. This activity will be largely completed before the Flag Ceremony provided by the Wood Cross Police Department and South Davis Metro Fire begins. The patriotic program will also include a speaker from Wood Cross. The crowds will grow bigger as the Memorial Day breakfast kicks off at 9 a.m. with plenty of food and fun. A suggested donation of $2, preferably cash, is accepted. 

Memorial Day began shortly after the Civil War and was originally called Decoration Day, a day set apart for decorating the fallen soldiers’ graves with flowers. Unlike Veterans Day which celebrates all soldiers who have served, Memorial Day honors those who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives during war. Over the centuries, it has become common to also decorate the graves of friends and relatives to honor and remember them regardless of service in the military. 

The Memorial Day celebration is the first of a summer full of recreational activities in parks and buildings around Wood Cross. The first session begins on June 3, in Mills Park, including classes in cooking, sports, arts and crafts, music and even a self-defense class (RAD). In the following weeks more sessions and other classes are added such as pickleball, biz kids, basketball, Lego, yoga, track and field, police academy and Spanish learning. Registration for these classes is now open on the city website with varying fees. 

Free summer recreation activities are also offered throughout the summer as part of the Summer Literacy program. On four Fridays in June and July, summer reading will combine with learning and fun at Hogan and Mills Park. The Loveland Living Planet aquarium, for example, will be at Hogan Park on June 21 to educate and entertain. Everyone goes home with a book at each of these events. The last literacy event on July 19, highlights the importance of play and playgrounds. A perfect reason to get to the parks this summer beginning on Memorial Day at Hogan Park.

Registering for the Memorial Day races can be done at This year there is the option to purchase a race day T-shirt for those who register online.