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Davis Journal

Bountiful second-graders break world record

May 02, 2024 09:51AM ● By Roger V. Tuttle
Ms. Marilee Hullinger celebrates with her Second-grade class at the completion of 94,00 Unifix cubes and a Guinness World Record. The T-shirts read “Look at the results of ONE indoor recess!" Photo by Roger V. Tuttle

Ms. Marilee Hullinger celebrates with her Second-grade class at the completion of 94,00 Unifix cubes and a Guinness World Record. The T-shirts read “Look at the results of ONE indoor recess!" Photo by Roger V. Tuttle

Marilee Hullinger, a Second-grade teacher at Hannah Holbrook was amused by her students in January as they worked off their indoor recess by linking classroom counting cubes and thinking they had the world’s record for the longest line of Unifix cubes. Seeing an opportunity, she challenged them to find out what the real record was. After some research, the students discovered the Guinness World Record was 90,750 cubes for a length of 1 mile, 275 feet in 90 minutes on the Huckleberry Trail in Blacksburg, Virginia. As the Second-grade students researched the possibility of creating their own world record they put together a business plan and sent it to Didax, the company that makes the Unifix cubes.

The Second-graders met on Zoom with Linda Andries head of Sales and Marketing at Didax. “It was the most impressive presentation I have ever seen,” she said. “ They had their signs, they had their facts, their measurement team, their procurement team, and a team to return the cubes.” However, Andries suggested once the record was broken the cubes could be donated to under-privileged kids and learning centers. On Saturday morning, April 27th, Hullinger’s Second-grade class broke the world’s record in 55 minutes with over 94,000 Unifix cubes.