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Davis Journal

There ain’t no party like a Clearfield party

Mar 28, 2024 08:18AM ● By Kate Pearson - Davis Journal Intern
Clearfield seniors cheer at the Spirit Bowl. The high school raised more than $100,000 for charity. Photo courtesy of Brynlee Filpot

Clearfield seniors cheer at the Spirit Bowl. The high school raised more than $100,000 for charity. Photo courtesy of Brynlee Filpot

CLEARFIELD—Clearfield High School is known for their school spirit. Events like FAF (Falcons are Fabulous) and Sprit Bowl are when the school spirit truly comes out. Students come together at these events to raise money or earn points. Each activity is met with enthusiasm. This year, Clearfield raised more than $100,000 for their charity, PARC, during FAF. 

“I never thought we’d clear $100,000,” Becky Vervloet, English and Student Government teacher said. “And we got over $105,000 this year. I can honestly say that it was nickels, dimes, and pennies. We don’t get a big $50,000 donation. It’s just donations from the students, families, and friends in the community.” 

FAF includes several different fundraisers to reach and exceed their goals each year. There are penny wars for the grades (winners’ points go to Spirit Bowl), lunch vendors, community nights at different local restaurants, cash calls in class for prizes, etc. The FAF assembly raised over half of this year’s money. The assembly lasts two to three hours. Students vote (using money) for lip syncs, bid for auction items including staff parking spots, put money in buckets for Save or Shave, and so much more. 

Clearfield spirit comes out in another event in March. It’s an event they work for all year round.  Last week, Clearfield High School hosted their Spirit Bowl. This is a competition between the grades. Points are earned in assemblies throughout the year all leading up to this week. During Spirit Week, students dress up as the daily themes and search for the “spirit stick” hidden in the school each day for points. This all leads to the final competition. Students are selected from each grade to compete in various events such as tug-o-war, a relay race, charades, and more. 

“My favorite thing about Clearfield is the spirit we have,” said Carter Lloyd, Senior VP Spirit. “We care about our school, we care about each other.”  

He and the other spirit officers plan and host the Spirit Bowl. “I’m not going to lie, it’s a lot of work,” Lloyd said. “It was a lot more than I anticipated, but it was just so much fun planning it. It doesn’t even feel like homework.”

“For FAF, they start planning in July for the event in December,” Vervloet said. “And for the Spirit Bowl, they start planning in January for March. It is months and months of planning, and the kids do all of it. I give them a calendar and they do all of the work.”

The class of ‘24 won the Spirit Bowl for the second year in a row this year. Last year was the first time juniors had won the Spirit Bowl in years. This class has helped break the record for FAF every single year they’ve been in high school and led to the astonishing $100,000 this year.

Clearfield students love their school. Being a Falcon means something to them. “Being a Falcon is to be yourself – be spirited,” Lloyd said, “We are all part of that Falcon Family. We all support each other. We all love each other.”

Clearfield spirit has been a tradition for years. The spirit only grows year after year. “Clearfield’s school spirit is a great tradition,” Vervloet said. “It was here before I got here, and it’ll be here long after I’m gone.”