2020 tribute to Dylan
Dec 23, 2020 11:38AM ● By Bryan GrayBob Dylan just sold his songwriting catalog for over $300 million. I cannot compete with him, but I can present the 2020 Cyclops Christmas Carol (sung to the melody of “Away in a Manger”).
Utahns were voting. The election was firm/
Ben McAdams was denied an additional term/
Democrats lost the landslide they sought/
Burgess Owens said Ben was a Communist plot.
Sean Reyes denied the election was fair/
Trump had him scurrying hither and there
Saying ballots were counted after the date/
Nevada told Sean, “Get out of our state!”
Mike Lee chided Facebook and democracy
With broad support from his right-wing posse/
But Senator Romney was much more restrained.
“Thank goodness!” I said, “at least one is still sane.”
Herbert asked Utahns to stay in their homes/
Said COVID spreads when good Utahns roam/
But Utah County students, all hale and hearty,
Despite the pandemic, continued to party.
“Stay six feet apart,” says Dr. Dunn.
“If not, the virus will continue its run.”
But convincing the spreaders is no easy task/
They think it’s their right to not wear a mask.
Church meetings were held remotely with Zoom/
Disappointed members wanted church to resume/
But some faithful members felt no such traumas/
They enjoyed attending services in their pajamas.
The holiday will come, then it will fade/
Credit card charges must then be repaid/
Utahns agree, shedding many a tear
“2020 is gone. What a terrible year.”