West Bountiful Council considers change to ordinance related to dogs in city parks
Sep 02, 2021 10:34AM ● By Julie Thompson
Sign at the entrance to West Bountiful Park which reminds visitors that dogs must be on a leash and that cleaning up after pets is not just a matter of common courtesy but a requirement. Photo by Julie Thompson
WEST BOUNTIFUL--Due to continuing issues with dogs in city parks, Mayor Ken Romney requested the council and staff consider the possibility of changing the ordinance which allows dogs on leash in the city park. During the discussion at the July 20 city council meeting, council members and staff described situations of dogs not being leashed and owners not cleaning up after their pets.
In particular, dogs were a problem at the Fourth of July celebration at the city park. One council member emphasized that dogs that might not pose a problem in a normal setting behave differently around large crowds and the noise associated with fireworks. The possibility of banning dogs during large events was discussed. Public Works Director Steve Maughan stated that it is very hit and miss as far as animal waste at the park. Some days the park is very clean and other days require considerable cleanup.
All agreed that it is difficult to enforce the leash law and the legal requirement to clean up after a pet in a public space. Mayor Romney stated that the police department has plenty on their plate right now and the policing of leashes and animal waste at the park cannot and should not be added to their duties. The decision was made to delay any action on this matter until the public has a chance to be notified that banning dogs from the public park is a possibility if owners do not improve their behavior. Sadly, most people who bring their dogs to the park are very responsible, and it seems that the irresponsible few might ruin the privilege for the majority.