Suggestions aplenty for new park development
Sep 13, 2021 01:30PM ● By Tom HaraldsenSupporters for adding 16 pickle ball courts to the new park were a strong presence at the first public input meeting for the project. Photo by Tom Haraldsen
BOUNTIFUL—Whatever the landscape architects have in mind for the new Washington Park, it won’t be hard for them to come up with ideas. The first of three community input meetings for the new park, to be built at the site of the old Washington Elementary School, was packed with both citizens and their suggestions.
City leaders and principals from MGB+A Architects/The Grassli Group heard from a large gathering at Bountiful City Hall on Aug. 31. Jay Bollwinkle, principal of the firm, along with several associates, presented a brief overview of the 12 acre site located at 450 West 740 South. Those in attendance were asked to sign in so that they could be included in an online survey the firm will conduct concerning park amenities.
Bountiful City parks director Brock Hill explained that the city’s commitment to the Davis School District (who sold the property to the city) is that the park must allow for two temporary lacrosse fields to be used for a six-week period in the spring for high school sports. Those two fields will take about 2.5 acres but “other than that, the property is open for any other use, and those fields are also open except for that six-week period.”
A number of citizens offered ideas for the park. It became clear that two groups with large followings were those who want development of pickleball courts and those who want a skate park. Both had a sizable number of people in the audience, and spoke of the popularity of those sports and the lack of facilities in Bountiful for them.
Other suggestions for the park included a community swimming pool, a merry-go-round and playground for both young and older children, a Frisbee golf course, a bowery and picnic area, a walk/run/biking trail, a splash pad, a sand volleyball court, and a sports court. There were suggestions for adequate restrooms, adequate parking, and native plant landscaping.
The city has $2.5 million set aside for development of the park, part of a taxpayer approved $8 million bond passed last November. The three hearings, along with the Survey Monkey online project, will help determine when and where to start.
Two more meetings are scheduled for public input, on Sept. 15 and Sept. 29, both from 6 to 8 p.m., in the council chambers at city hall. It’s located at 795 South Main Street.