Farmington swimmers turning obstacles into opportunities
Nov 29, 2021 01:13PM ● By Catherine Garrett
The Farmington High swimmers volunteered at Canyon Creek Elementary School this past week. Photo courtesy Stacy Edholm
“We have been trying to find places to train,” said head coach Stacy Edholm. “When we don’t have a place to work out, we have decided to do a service project instead.”
Two weeks ago, the team made posters for the football, volleyball and marching band programs who were heading to state playoffs.
This past week, the FHS swim team volunteered at Canyon Creek Elementary School – where assistant coach Heather Lyman works – reading to kindergarteners and first graders in Mrs. Albert’s and Mrs. Elliott’s classes.
“I don’t know who had more fun, the big kids or the little ones!” Edholm said. “Those littles thought the big kids were so cool to come and spend time with them. The big kids had a TON of fun, especially playing at recess. The teachers and my swimmers all asked to come and do this again. Everybody had such a great time.”