MyMeter App provides water and power instant tracking
Jan 30, 2023 02:48PM ● By Cindi MansellKaysville residents can now utilize the MyMeter App to track their energy use. This project that started over a year ago now enables the majority of city meters (not all) to track monthly, weekly by day, and even hourly by day to discover when you and your family are using the most water or electricity.
“Residents can now set energy or usage markers to note events or upgrades that may affect energy and water usage,” said Information Systems Manager Ryan Judd. This can range anywhere from purchasing a new energy-efficient appliance to installing a programmable thermostat or replacing a water softener. You can set usage alarms to get notified when a usage threshold is exceeded as well as leak detection.
Utilizing Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), meters can continually communicate with city servers. As part of the project, Kaysville was able to replace and install every household water and power meter to enable use tracking on the new application. They were able to reduce previous staff having to hand read the meters because it can now all be done via the AMI system.
“The system also includes an outage management system that communicates with these same meters during a power outage,” Judd said. “This can enable staff to compile an overall grid of meters out, validate those, and message residents to inform them of status and potential number of hours necessary to fix the issue and reinstall power or water.
The program is accessible via the main city webpage under Utility Billing ( or the mobile app is also available via google play or the apple store:
• Google Play –
• Apps on Apple –
You can pay your utility billing via the Xpressbillpay integration link. To have your account established and working on both your water and power utility billing account and the MyMeter platforms, you will need your utility billing statement account number and to utilize the same email address for both.
Residents are encouraged to visit the website and sign up for this useful and cost-saving tool. Kaysville City’s goal is for residents to be able to log in and track their billing statements and corresponding usages in the hopes of increasing consumer education and overall utility savings. The program could even progress to future rebate programs for energy efficiency and approved appliances.