High achieving student receives recognition
Apr 13, 2023 11:12AM ● By Alisha Copfer
Aaron Miller stands proudly with his family and the mayor as the most recent recipient of the Outstanding Student award during Farmington City’s council meeting. Courtesy photo
Some people have a hard time completing daily tasks on time. However, this doesn’t seem to be an issue for Aaron Miller. “He’s always been special; he’s a hard worker and always wants to do his best,” said Izana Miller, Aaron’s mother. “If there is anything he wants to do, he does it. I’ve told him that if anyone is going to make a difference, it will be him.”
Aaron is a hard worker and a dedicated student. He is also family oriented and is always asking his mother what he can do to help around the house. “He even does his chores without me asking,” said Izana.
“Knowing we all have the same number of hours in a day, one wonders how Aaron is able to do all he does: a heavy load of AP and CE courses, dedication to performing in Madrigals, participation on the track and cross-country teams,” according to Farmington City’s March newsletter. “Aaron fills his time with activities that make him an incredible representative of Farmington High and shows what it means to be a Phoenix.”
Izana said Aaron goes above and beyond at school and home, even actually reading his textbooks. He is a self-starter and received his Eagle Scout award at 13 after finishing the requirements independently. He is also receiving his associate degree as he graduates from high school so that he can get ahead in school. “It’s just the kind of person he is,” she said.
Aaron has even received the Samsung American Legion Scholarship after attending Boys State at Weber State University through the American Legion. The Boys State program is a well respected and selective educational government instructional program for high school students. It is a week-long camp where students can become part of the operation of local, county and state governments.
“With as many opportunities as there are to be involved during high school, few students do as much as Aaron,” Farmington High School Assistant Principal Tim Allen said. “Where Aaron arguably makes his biggest impact is as a member and leader of our HOPE Squad. These students’ singular focus is to help other kids their age who are facing difficulties in their lives and provide an avenue to seek help. Whether it be through planning activities or working with faculty, Aaron does all he can to make sure everyone at Farmington feels included and that they have a safe place to be. We are so proud of Aaron and so excited for all the amazing things he will do in the future.”
Along with all of the school activities, Aaron also plays the piano and even teaches on the side. “He thinks about everything deeply and loves to learn,” said Izana. “He’s just a happy kid.”λ