Exclusive Agreement signed for repurposing of old library property
Jul 07, 2023 12:36PM ● By Cindi Mansell
Rendering of the proposed exterior. Alchemy Design & Development will take the next step in renovating and converting the historic Kaysville Library into the Bamberger Food Hall. Rendering courtesy/Kaysville City
KAYSVILLE—Kaysville recently approved a public-private Exclusive Negotiations Agreement with Alchemy Design & Development to take the next step in renovating and converting the historic Kaysville Library into the Bamberger Food Hall. Through a public-private partnership, Kaysville has the opportunity to breathe new life into this beloved landmark and create a vibrant hub for commerce and culture.
“The old library is more than just a building, it’s a piece of our community’s history,” Mayor Tamara Tran said.
In the fall of 2022, the city issued a Request for Proposal for the former library building seeking ideas for repurposing the building. In January, the City Council was presented with two project options and the City Council directed staff to move forward with Alchemy Design & Development, who submitted a proposal for the Bamberger Food Hall. Alchemy Design & Development consists of a developer, architect, general contractor, and marketing expert. Between the teams, they have decades of experience in development, design, and construction, including the restoration and repurposing of several older buildings similar to the Kaysville Library.
Key points of the agreement include a term to expire on May 31, 2024, restrictions on the city approaching other entities to develop the site, and a list of deliverables. It is hoped that at the end of the term, the city and Alchemy Design & Development will enter into a development agreement and the project will come to fruition. The proposal is to keep the existing building and renovate it into a modern food hall with four to five dedicated restaurants, a common dining area, and a flexible space for arts, entertainment, boutique retail and education. The design would extend to the front of the building and allow for outdoor seating, food trucks, and a children’s play area. Alchemy feels this use of the building aligns with the Main Street Revitalization Plan and would meet many of the City’s goals of bringing energy and connectivity to downtown. Unlike food courts, food halls steer away from fast food chains in favor of curated local food options.
With the Davis Tech campus nearby, there is potential to collaborate and create an incubator restaurant space for students in the Culinary Arts program. The space that is now the LeConte Stewart Art Gallery would become a flexible space that could be used for rotating boutique retail, private events, educational programs, arts, and entertainment. The extended outdoor space would allow for food trucks, outdoor seating, and live music and entertainment during the warmer months. Alchemy is excited about working on this project with Kaysville City. Much of the Alchemy team are current or past residents of Kaysville and other parts of Davis County and own businesses in the area; they feel a personal connection to this project and its success.
“This development will not only revitalize Main Street, but also bring a renewed sense of pride and excitement to our city,” Tran said. Follow the progress at: Bambergerfoodhall.com