Kaysville RAMP Tax Applications now live
Feb 01, 2024 11:41AM ● By Cindi Mansell
In November 2021, Kaysville residents approved a Recreation, Arts, Museum & Parks (RAMP) Tax Initiative. The RAMP tax equals $0.01 per $10 spent on non-essential purchases (not grocery, food items or gas) within Kaysville City. All RAMP funds collected will be devoted to fund recreation, arts, museum, and parks improvements, facilities, and organizations for the city.
The Mayor and City Council formed a RAMP Tax Advisory Board to administer the program. The Board collects, reviews, and prioritizes all requests received and makes a yearly recommendation to the City Council on how to expend the funds received. The council has the ultimate authority in the allocation of funds. This board is comprised of residents, with the support of the City staff and Council members.
2024 Grant Applications are now available and can be completed and submitted to the Kaysville RAMP Advisory Committee. The application deadline is March 1, 2024. In March 2024, the RAMP Committee will forward award recommendations to the City Manager and City Council. These will be adopted by the City Council and award letters will be sent to successful applicants in June 2024. RAMP funding will be available to successful applicants as of July 2024.
As used in the RAMP Grant application process, and in RAMP funding, a program is defined as an activity or experience that is offered to the public by a nonprofit organization or institution. It must have a defined time frame, an agenda, and be financially accounted for as a separate cost center or line item by the governing non-profit organization or institution.
The RAMP grant categories are outlined as follows:
Major Project Grants are for requests of $100,000 and above. These funds are for city owned recreational, arts, museum, and parks facilities, and improvements to existing city owned facilities.
Tier I Grants are for requests for $10,000 to $99,999. These funds are for city owned recreational, arts, museum, and park facilities and improvements to existing city owned facilities or funds for recreation, art, museum, and park programs that benefit Kaysville City residents. Tier I Grants that fund programs cannot exceed one-fourth of the applying entity’s annual yearly operating budget as averaged over the prior three (3) years, excluding any past RAMP grant funds. Tier I Grants cannot fund the General Operations of any organization.
Tier II Grants are for requests for $500 to $9,999. These funds are for city owned recreational, arts, museum, and park facilities and improvements to existing city owned facilities or funds for recreation, art, museum, and park programs that benefit Kaysville City residents. Tier II Grants that fund programs cannot exceed one-fourth of the applying entity’s prior year’s operating budget. Tier II Grants cannot fund the General Operations of any organization. The majority of non-profit board members must reside in Utah.
For any questions about the application, please contact the Kaysville City Parks and Recreation office at 801-544-1788. Digital applications are available on the city website.