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Davis Journal

Art in the Arboretum brings art and nature together

Apr 25, 2024 09:47AM ● By Braden Nelsen
Events at the USU Botanical Center allow for residents to enjoy nature a little bit closer to home. Photo courtesy of USU Botanical Center.

Events at the USU Botanical Center allow for residents to enjoy nature a little bit closer to home. Photo courtesy of USU Botanical Center.

KAYSVILLE—As the days grow longer, and warmer, it’s only natural that Davis County-ites start feeling the urge to get outside, and enjoy nature. The new event at the USU Botanical Center, Art in the Arboretum, is bringing some cherished favorites as well as new offerings that help people from all over Davis County both enjoy nature, as well as music, art, food, and more.

Alex Zesiger, Outreach Manager for the USU Botanical Center, explained how the event, formerly known as Quilts and Quartets, recently expanded. The event started because many of the master gardeners, and volunteers working at the center were extremely artistic, and “wanted a way to express that.” Following the success of Quilts and Quartets, both Zesiger and the artists themselves asked the question, “Why are we limiting it to just quilts?”

This year, the first year of Art in the Arboretum, the limits seem to be gone almost entirely: attendees will be able to experience an outdoor art gallery, featuring art from local artists, much of which depict scenes of nature like that in which they will be displayed. There will also be local bands, chalk artists, the return of the quilts, a children's craft area, chalk stations for those who want to draw on the pavement, storytellers from the library, art classes, food demonstrations, food trucks, and more.

While Zesiger described the event as “kind of like the state fair,” where people can come and display their work, the whole event will be “very nature-focused,” she said. This stands very much to reason, as the whole mission of the USU Botanical Center is to “create a green space in the community,” and helping to educate the public about the natural resources that are fast fading away. 

“We’re losing those green spaces,” Zesiger said, and she’s not wrong. Year after year development sees the loss of more and more areas that are solely dedicated to nature. Even fewer of these areas are accessible to everyone and all skill levels, so spaces like the USU Botanical Center are becoming all the more necessary. 

There is certainly plenty of fun to be had at the Art in the Arboretum event, but, as Zesiger put it, “It’s about educating the public, supporting artists, and the community.” There’s plenty to see, to learn, and to do at the event, and Zesiger hopes that it won’t be the last, “I’d love to see it grow,” she said, expressing her hope that they will have even more artists and offerings year after year.

Art in the Arboretum will be held at the USU Botanical Center in Kaysville on May 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and though admission and parking are free, donations are encouraged. More information about the event, and the Botanical Center itself can be found at