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Light the World Giving Machines – gift by gift we can be angels in the lives of others

Nov 21, 2024 01:03PM ● By Becky Ginos

Keona Ojelade steps up to make her choice at Canada’s first Light the World Giving Machines in Calgary, Alberta, on Nov. 29, 2022. © 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

The holiday season is in full swing and shoppers are rushing to find presents for family and friends. Generally those gifts don’t include goats, health care or education but those things are crucial to people in other countries. Bringing light and hope to others this Christmas season is as easy as pushing a button at a Light of the World Giving Machine and making a donation. 

Giving Machines are a unique way to give much-needed goods and services directly to people around the world. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sponsors the vending machines as a way to share the love of Jesus Christ.

A global launch of the Giving Machines initiative took place at the Conference Center on Temple Square Nov. 13. 

“Eight years ago, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints extended the invitation to light the world,” said Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “It is an example of He who we call The Light of the World, Jesus Christ who taught us to love and serve others and find a way to feel His love as we approach the holiday season.”

It started out small, he said. “We had a few machines. Today there are machines all over the world giving people the opportunity to celebrate Christmas, to celebrate the birth of the Savior by doing what he would have us do.”

The machines will now be available in 106 cities in 13 countries on five continents – including the first in Africa and Asia, a news release said. A digital version was also introduced and is located in Orem. 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints covers all program operational expenses, ensuring that 100% of every donation is used to provide those in need with the item a donor has purchased for them, the release said.

Since 2017, millions of items have been donated through the Giving Machines valued at more than US$32 million.

“Over the years it has evolved from a holiday message,” said Stevenson. “It’s an invitation, it’s a call to action worldwide to follow Jesus Christ, sharing light, love, kindness and service.”

There’s a magic about it, he said. “We’ve seen case after case where the small amount each person gives allows a gift that changes people’s lives. Recipients of a goat that allows them to do something they couldn’t do otherwise. At the push of a button you’re giving something meaningful in remarkable ways.”

It’s universal, Stevenson said. “It’s for Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and those of the Jewish faith. It has no boundaries. It’s an expression of human kindness for anyone and anywhere.”

Light of the World is a message of glad tidings, he said. “Which we’re assured will bring joy to all people because of Jesus Christ – because of His birth, because of His ministry and because of His resurrection. Just as angels declared words of great joy at His birth, we too in our own small way, gift by gift, can be angels in the lives of others as we extend the love of Jesus Christ to people near and far, and as we proclaim a witness of the Savior of the world.” λ

Women in eastern Kenya celebrate during the distribution of beehives to their village. The beehives are provided through the Giving Machines to Church World Service. The photograph was taken on July 31, 2023, in Garsen, Kenya. © 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.