U.S. Flag Retirement Ceremony & Military Tribute
Performed by American Legion-Post 27
The U.S. Flag Retirement Ceremony and Military Tribute will be conducted on Friday, September29th, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the East area of the Layton Fire Training Center (1890 N Fort Lane). Several hundred US flags that are worn, torn, or faded and no longer worthy to be flown will be disposed of in a solemn and spectacular patriotic ceremony conducted by American Legion Post 27-Farmington and the Layton City Fire Department, with the assistance from the Farmington City Fire Department, Kaysville City Fire Department, other Legion Posts, Veterans, Active and Reserve Military members, Boy Scouts, and Girls Scouts. This breathtaking rite will dazzle your eyes and fill your heart. It is free to the public. Individuals are invited to bring US flags for disposal that evening and present them to Legion members.
Date & Time
September 29, 2023
6:00PM - 7:00PM